Thursday, 1 May 2014

Germany’s dirty secret

What secret?

Germanys dirty secret is not a secret at all and very openly discussed in Germany, most 10 year school children in Germany know about it, also know about renewables and nuclear. Whereas in Germany the discussion about energy is factual and balanced, the British public is deprived of an honest factual debate. The press stirs up hysteria and negative news go hand in hand with renewables instead of nourishing a meaningful debate and this the BBC story is such an example.  In press the ‘vast’ subsidise renewables receive are mentioned without mentioning the subsidies fossil and nuclear receive, the terrible impact on wildlife renewables have are mentioned without mentioning the deadly impact other human made construction have, the terrible visual impact of renewables are mentioned without mentioning other manmade obscurities. Bear in mind that Wind turbines as well solar can be taken down whenever there is no need anymore without a trace. Different to nuclear power plant everything can be recycled and nothing used in the production of renewables comes even close to the toxicity and danger nuclear poses.  Whilst thriving for perfection we have to remember that nothing is perfect and every form of energy generation has an ugly side. For these reasons energy saving has to be top priority above anything else, the energy we don't use we don't have to produce in any form! Unfortunately not many people make money this way which it why it never has really taken off! Of course We have to assess the energiewede critically and try to learn but we have to apply the same critical thinking to everything else!

The BBC story line is that lignite underpin the renewables in German and is the flip side of the coin, a necessity to the Energiewende so to say. Well, this is not the case and if the Green party would still be in government this would have not happened. Look at Spain, within 10 years enough renewables were installed to generate 20% of the country electricity needs without any  flip side. Well, that's not true and wildlife has suffered through wind turbines however we have to see that in perspective as mentioned above and in many instances I wonder if that's was not done purposely to discredit that technology.  Many stories appear connecting Spain’s economic crises to the ‘vast’ cost of renewables bear in mind the truly vast subsidise fossil fuel receive.

 Therefore and for many other reasons that argument is utterly unfunded and if anything renewables have helped to buffer the economic crises.

Back to the BBC story the graph shown is from 2012 not 2013 and it’s the gross domestic energy production. If you now put an graph for the UK or most industrialised nations next to it you would find that these all look pretty similar. There is no reference that actually the CO2 emission on 1990 level has fallen by some 20%, that the energy consumption has been reduced and so on. There is mention of the fact that between 2002 and 2012 enough capacity from renewables was installed in Germany to increase the electricity supply by over 92 Terawatt hours to 136TWh that equals 37% of Britain’s electricity needs in 2012. Better still, if the overall energy production is included, renewables produced some 314TWh in 2012, almost a 200TWh increase since 2002. showing that the energy storage issue is artificially inflated what’s needed is a electricity grid which can distribute the power quickly. Somewhere the wind will blow or the sun shine and somewhere is somebody needing that energy

Putting this in perspective all nuclear reactors in Britain produced in 2012 some 64TWh of electricity, receiving vast amount of subsidies in the past, present and it looks like in the future! Also these reactors where build over decades not 10 years. So if you want to reduce CO2 and other pollutants quickly, have local independent energy supply create substantial employment renewables are the answer.

We can easily rephrase the head line into ‘the nuclear industry dirty secret’ in reference to so many underreported facts. Such as The money wasted on nuclear power plants which never produced any meaningful electricity never mind the accidents and incidences. openly discussed in Germany but hardly if ever in the UK.

Shall we call ‘the banks dirty secret’ in reference to the 66Billion pound the Government has most likely lost during the banking crises or shall we call the ‘Fracking the dirty secret’. Well, if you want to destroy national heritage, ruin peoples livelihood and nature, create an even bigger devide between poor and rich and yes of course generate an income for a few lucky ones, go for fraking, nukes and fossil in general.

and is hopefully the start of more constructive reporting on these matters. Still with a certain element of Schadenfreude the article points to the 100Billion Germany apparently wasted on renewables mainly on solar and that many of  these companies go bust and so On. I don’t think any money was wasted right the opposite. Without this ‘waste of Money’ the world would most likely be quite a different place. This investment initiated by the Green party whilst in office between 1998-2005 kick-started an industry which employs millions worldwide is generating huge amounts of energy harnessing what’s given for free without producing pollutants. There was another interesting angle to all of that in the Guardian

This is very encouraging but we must keep going, keep repeating challenge people’s opinions not personalities we live in an very exiting transmission period. The world is not flat, we have flying machines, rockets, spacecraft’s the latter thought not to be possible 100 years ago and the longitude problem was not solved by the most prolific scientist at the time but by a cabinetmaker John Harrison.